Tickmill NFP Machine Trading Fund up to $500 Reward

Tickmill NFP Machine Trading Fund up to $500 Reward 

Tickmill's NFP Machine Campaign has been running since 2016 with no end date. Each month before the NFP news release, Tickmill invites all traders to participate in the NFP Machine Campaign. Traders must guess the EUR/USD pair price on Tickmill's MT4 platform exactly 30 minutes after the NFP release. The most accurate guess wins a reward of up to $500.

How to Participate:

1. Visit the Official Tickmill official NFP Machine page.

2. Access Woobox Platform: Scroll down the page and open the Woobox platform to participate in the event.

3. Make Your Prediction: Participating traders should predict the EUR/USD price and submit their prediction with the necessary information.

According to Tickmill, participants should predict the price at which a given instrument will land on their MT4/MT5 platform exactly 30 minutes after the NFP release at 16:00 MT4 server time.

Winner and Profit Conditions:

If a participant guesses the exact price, they will be credited with a $500 trading fund. If no one guesses the exact price, the 3 participants with the closest prediction will receive a trading fund according to rank.
- 1st place: $250, 2nd place: $150, 3rd place: $100

- Winners are announced on the Tickmill Facebook account.

- To withdraw the prize, a winner must trade at least 1 standard lot for each $5 of the prize.


The Tickmill NFP Machine Campaign runs every month, and winners are announced on the Tickmill NFP contest page or Facebook page during the first week of every month.

Participants must place their prediction using the email address they used when registering with Tickmill and submit their prediction on the Woobox platform.

Tickmill reserves the right to change the terms of the campaign or cancel it at any time.

This campaign provides traders with an exciting opportunity to win trading funds by accurately predicting the EUR/USD price after the NFP release, enhancing their trading experience with Tickmill.
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